I See Dead People

I would like to preface this blog by stating that my experience with mediumship is mine alone. The reality I live, and the truths I encounter are not universal. I am not writing this blog to convince anyone that there is life after death. Nor am I pushing my views and understandings onto others. I hope only to speak my truth, and if my truth spreads light and hope to others, then that is a wonderful bonus.

Ill start by writing of my personal journey and how mediumship has been a part of this, then I’ll go into my understanding of the science around the phenomenon.

I have always been comfortable with death. That maybe because, at a time, I danced at its doorstep. The concept of living frightened me far more than death ever could. Or maybe it is because I always had an intrinsic knowing that life doesn’t end with death, only the life as we know it to be.

My first experience occurred a year ago. I was outside with my partner, we were having our daily debrief after work. My partner’s friend committed suicide a couple years before, and, as fate would have it, he was the topic of conversation. I remember my partner speaking of his friend, fondly, and I felt a rush of energy encompass my physical and energetic form. I could no longer see or hear the world around me. Instead, my field of vision was flooded with images and colours, all of which I knew to be connected to my partners late friend. I felt emotions that weren’t my own, saw memories that weren’t my own.

If we are disconnected from Spirit, we are subsequently without an internal compass.

I didn’t know my partners friend well, but I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was him. It was as if my conscious mind had taken a back seat, and his spirit was able wrap around me and press upon me his essence. I couldn’t see, I couldn’t hear. All I knew was that I was held by the spirit, that I was safe, and that I could come back to consciousness anytime I wished. I wasn’t afraid. Quite the opposite. I felt a rush of euphoria, of freedom. When I came too, both my partner and I were shaken. Yet I could feel the spirit flittering just beyond my periphery. He didn’t ‘speak’ to me per say, he ‘impressed’ upon me the knowledge that he was making sure I was okay, and he apologised for coming on so strong. Again, I couldn’t hear those words, but I felt them in the form of emotions I knew were not my own, and from that I could derive their meaning.

I was shaken. Only because, to me, I could no longer doubt that something existed beyond what we could see. My reality turned on its head. Everything I thought I knew (logically) about death, was no longer true. I could no longer presume that the death of the physical body meant the death of the spirit also. The experience gave me no answers, but it opened a can of unending questions.

I reached out to several mediums I had previously (coincidentally) made connections with. One medium (the most incredible woman I know) told me this was something called “Trance Mediumship”. It is where the spirit presses themselves onto my own electromagnetic field. From there they can either empress upon me specific emotions and visions, or, if I give consent, they are able to step into my conscious mind and use my body to communicate with loved ones.  

I was mind blown. Loved ones in my life have passed, but I felt at peace with their deaths, and I never felt the urge or need to communicate with those “beyond the veil”, and yet I was the one who was able to do just that. Why? What was the purpose of this skill? Was I supposed whip out my crystal ball and conduct seances? Did I need holy water to avoid demonic possession? I didn’t want anything to do with the above. I was afraid, and I was ready to start running.

However, the answer to all the above was a hard No. Over the next few weeks, it felt as if a door to an entirely new realm had been opened. I was working as a physiotherapist at the time, and often I would sense a spirit press upon me (it’s the only way I can describe it – like a warm, energetic hug). At the time, I was terrified. I didn’t want the gift. I didn’t want what I thought it entailed. Although, I need to make it clear that, despite my awareness of the spirits, whether they impressed on me was entirely my decision. The spirit world (and us – our souls) are born of unconditional love. They are respectful, kind, and at times, witty as anything.

My grandfather, whom had passed long before I was born, started to connect with me. I didn’t know who he was initially, only that he was wonderfully flamboyant, creative, joyous and eccentric. I told my mum about my experience with this particular spirit, and she confirmed to me that how I described this man was uncannily similar to her late father. I then went to another medium, and she described him exactly as I had, confirming he was, in fact, my wonderful grandfather ( And no, I hadn’t disclosed any of my prior experiences to her).  As my skill level developed, I attended several courses on mediumship, and subsequently, my fear was soon replaced with curiosity, and then with gratitude. During one of the sessions I attended, I worked with a spirit who was the mother of another woman present. My hands started to shake, and the spirit impressed upon me she was a writer. The woman who’s mother had passed saw my hands shake and stated that her mother had a tremor, and it caused her hands to move in the exact way my own were.

A few weeks later, I offered a reading to my stepfather. It was the first time I allowed myself to enter Trance. The spirit pressed over me, and I took a step back into my subconscious. My voice lowered, my posture altered to one unfamiliar to me and my eyes entered REM (rapid eye movements experienced during deep sleep); and I had seemingly connected with my step-father’s late father. I cannot remember much of what was said, but when I came too my step-father was in tears. What I had said (or his father – depends how you see it) resonated deeply with him, especially as I had never met his father, nor had my stepfather spoken of him or his character before. However, I’m not here to list the endless evidence I have of impossible coincidences, as those stories aren’t mine to tell, nor is it my duty to convince anyone of something they don’t believe in.

I am not special. Every human being can connect with the Spirit, for the Spirit/Soul/Source/Energy makes up one third of our very foundation. We are Body, Mind and Spirit. The more I unlearned the lies my culture had woven into my very DNA, the more I started to heal, and the closer I came to my spirit. Western culture caters to nurturing the Mind, as the mind is linked to knowing, seeking and intellect. Some of the more Eastern cultures value developing the Spirit, where intuition, creativity and intension reside. Unfortunately, these two hemispheres are at constant war with one another. Too much intellect (Mind) can block intuition (Spirit), and too much intuition can lead to a loss of touch with the physical reality (connection to our Mind and Body).

The more I unlearned the lies my culture had woven into my very DNA, the more I started to heal, and the closer I came to my spirit.

Learning mediumship isn’t about learning how to connect with those that have passed. Instead, it is about learning how to reconnect to your own spirit/soul. In today’s society we are trained how to sever ourselves from our Spirit. We reside in the world of the Mind. We work inside, we drown in medication, we sever ourselves from the natural rhythms of the Earth, we value study and shun imagination and creativity. This breeds a culture of grieving, lost individuals. Our Spirit acts as our guide, it shows us where our passion lies, where our love lies, where our joy resides (aliveness). If we are disconnected from Spirit, we are subsequently without an internal compass. We follow the nearest dictator or leader, because we have no internal direction. Our belief lies not within ourselves, but within the money in our bank accounts, and external measures of success (promotions at work, the number of followers we have etc). It is heart breaking. But I hope we can find our way back to the beautiful balance of Mind, Spirit and Body, a world where we are not forced to choose between one or the other. I am on that very journey, and I hope to help others who want to do the same.

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